There are few things that improve the look of a residential property more than a good-looking roof. Something as simple as painting your roof can transform your home’s roadside appeal (and its chances of resale). Not only that, a quality repaint job will protect the roofing materials of your home and increase their lifespan.
This article provides information on the five top considerations when painting your roof in Auckland:
We put this as number one on our list of the five top considerations when painting your roof in Auckland because so many people are rather cavalier about the safety measures required when roof painting.
Painting the roof of a house means climbing ladders and working at height, often at the edge of the roof. To attempt such a task, a person must have the proper personal protective equipment. This goes beyond the obvious protective clothing. A professional roof painter knows the dangers and will usually either erect safety scaffolding around the roof or wear a safety harness. Remember, no one plans to slip and fall but it can happen very unexpectedly.
What’s more, repair or painting of any residential roof should not be attempted when it is raining – even if it is only just spitting. Even the lightest layer of water on a roof can make the surface incredibly slippery and lead to disaster.
Finally, steps should be taken to ensure pets and children are kept away from the painting site minimise the chances of an accident. This especially applies to children who may be tempted to climb a ladder or scaffolding.
An advantage of hiring a professional roof painter is that they will have thought out health and safety policies and will have liability insurance should it be required.
Style of house and neighbourhood
The first decision for most homeowners thinking of painting the roof of their home is colour. This is not as simple as you might think. Your colour choice should match the style of your home and the neighbourhood it is a part of.
As Auckland residential painters, we receive some strange requests and sometimes have to politely remind clients that repainting a house’s roof changes its appearance – depending on the colour that change can be positive or negative.
Most designers will suggest using neutral colours for roofing and, if you want to make a statement, using brighter colours on the house itself.
A professional house painter will be able to give some hints and tips but, if you need decorating advice, it pays to speak to an experienced colour consultant.
Many homeowners do not realise how much the colour of a roof can affect the temperature inside their home’s ceiling cavity and, therefore, the temperature inside the house.
A roof painted in a darker colour will absorb heat and result in an increase in temperature within the house. For that reason, darker colours are great for regions that have cool climates.
Conversely, if you live in a hot climate, a lighter roof colour that will reflect heat is probably a wiser choice.
Whatever surface you are painting, inside or outside, a key to a great and a lasting result is thorough preparation. When painting the roof of your house, don’t think that painting over rust, damage or dirt will make those defects disappear. A fresh coat of roof paint will hide those patches for a while but they will eventually show through again.
Before a roof is painted, it first needs to be cleaned. There are a number of cleaning products on the market including specialist pressure cleaning machines and products. However, remember the warning about working on a roof when it is wet. The safest way to clean a roof is to get a professional roof painter or roof cleaner to do it.
Once your roof is clean, it can be easily inspected for any damage, rust or signs of leaking. These should be repaired before painting commences.
Most professional roof painters in Auckland will handle the entire cleaning, repair and repainting process. That means you get a great repaint the first time!
The last of the five top considerations when painting your roof in Auckland is to do with cleanliness. It’s easy to think of your roof as being pretty much out of sight of people on the ground so a little bit of overspray or a few drips won’t really matter. The reality is, in most cases of residential roof painting, the roof colour will be darker than the house and other painted surfaces nearby. That means, a bad paint job and over-sprayed or over painted edges will stand out, even from a distance.
Before starting on the task of repainting your house roof, think about how you will keep surrounding areas and paintwork free from paint. Apply the same care as if you were painting a room inside your home.
The shop where you purchased your paint will have a full range of masking tapes, paper, and boards to prevent paint over-spray onto your windows and walls. Alternatively, a professional Auckland roof painter like Cowperthwaite Roof Restorations will have all the necessary equipment and know-how to ensure a clean, safe and stylish paint job.

With over 35 years’ experience in the roof maintenance business, Cowperthwaite Roof Restorations has the expertise and roof restoration systems to revitalise your roof, adding life and colour that will add value to your home or business.
Before considering replacing your roof, call us to see if we can restore it using one of our specialised roof recoating systems.